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Great option for a house warming gift, house closing gift, wedding gift & more!

Send us a quality photo* ( see details below) of the front of the home (or business) you want line drawn and engraved into wood and we will do the rest! Don't forget to add what title/captions you want!


How we do it:

The architechture and overall shape of the home is meticulously traced on a computer via the image you share with us. We make sure to capture every detail as best as possible. This takes time. We then add in your personalized info (desired text). Then we send the hand tracing over to our laser machine that engraves the artwork onto the wood and cuts the entire thing out.



10" tall x 16" wide including frame.


***IMPORTANT*** Please E-mail a clear quality photo (jpeg, gif, png) of the house/business to with the name that matches the name on your order.

Please reach out to us for any questions!

House Sketch Engraved Line Drawing House Warming Gift -Framed

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